Exploding Topics by Brian Dean: The Best Tool to Find the Trends Ready to Burst (Full Guide)


Let me ask you a question: are you a trend setter or a trend follower?

Because as you are busy analyzing last month’s hashtags, real smart guys are out scouting the trends of the future. 

I know, trend-spotting sounds like a lot of work. But let me be honest: with over 5 billion internet users worldwide, simply producing more content is no longer enough. 

You need to push and pull to stay ahead of the curve.

The graph showing the number of IJnternet users worldwide growing between 2013 and 2023

Lucky for you, Exploding Topics will do the legwork, so you don’t have to! Think of it as your personal crystal ball for your business. With its advanced AI powers, it looks deep into the digital abyss to reveal what’s really popping off tomorrow.

No more being the last one to the party because you overslept. 

Exploding Topics will send an electronic bird to poop on your shoulder the second anything starts bubbling. It’s like having a million hipster interns scouring the web 24/7 to find you cool stuff.

Are you ready to start shaping the future instead of just reacting to it? 

This tool will turn you into a trend wizard, so grab your magic stick. It’s time to work some analytics voodoo and boost your campaigns and content.

Inside this review, you’ll learn:

– How to spot opportunities hidden from others’ view
– Which creators, bloggers and businesses benefit most
– The impact on your content, traffic and influence
– Whether the investment is worth your while

By the end, you’ll be fully equipped to capitalize on trends before the pack.

In This Article

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, and if you decide to buy any of the promoted products, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. By doing this, I might feel more inspired to continue writing on this blog. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy

Table of Contents

What is Exploding Topics?

Exploding Topics is a software platform that identifies up-and-coming trends across the internet. It uses AI to analyze millions of searches, conversations, and content pieces.

The tool scans through this vast ocean of data to pinpoint specific topics that are rapidly gaining popularity. It tracks everything from broad interest trends to micro-niche trends erupting within specific communities.

So whether you’re looking to launch a startup, invest in the next big thing, or create binge-worthy content, Exploding Topics has your back.

How Does Exploding Topics Actually Spot Trends?

The secret sauce is a multi-step process powered by artificial intelligence:

Step 1: Data Gathering

The tool scrapes billions of online data points across search engines, social media, forums, publications, and more. This gives it an eagle-eye view of the digital landscape.

Step 2: Trend Analysis

Next, its algorithms analyze all this data to identify specific topics and keywords exhibiting explosive growth.

Step 3: Historical Data Comparison

It cross-checks these uptrends against historical data to determine if the growth is genuine or just an anomaly.

Step 4: Data Visualization

The platform generates charts and graphs mapping out the trajectory of trend growth over time. This makes it easy to interpret the data at a glance.

Step 5: Monitoring and Alerts

You can set up real-time alerts for trending topics relevant to your business. This ensures you never miss out on a potentially lucrative trend again!

So in a nutshell, Exploding Topics leverages big data and AI to deliver actionable trend insights you won’t find anywhere else. 

Exploding Topics Key Features

Trend Database Access

Get instant access to a database of up-and-coming trends identified by Exploding Topics’ algorithms.

Trend Monitoring

Select specific trends to monitor over time so you can spot growth opportunities.

Trend Reports

Browse detailed reports analyzing the trajectory and potential of trending topics.

Basic Data Visualizations

Charts and graphs visualize trend data to make analysis easier.

Exploding Topics Pro Features

If you wanna be a real Trend Wizard, go Pro with Exploding Topics!

As a basic user, you can only cast a few simple spells. But Pro members sling advanced analytics that would make Merlin jealous. They uncover real hidden goldmines! 

Here are some Pro features:

My Projects

Organize your trend research into customized project spaces for easy access.

Dive deep into niche trends using the tool’s robust search functionality.

Reports Library

Get on-demand access to an extensive library of detailed trend reports.

Identify overarching trends spanning multiple industries and categories.

Weekly Newsletter

Receive a weekly email highlighting the hottest trending topics.

Instant Alerts

Configure real-time alerts so you never miss out on relevant emerging trends.

API Access

Integrate Exploding Topics data into your own platforms and dashboards.

Discover up-and-coming startups and products riding new trends.

As you can see, the Pro plans really maximize the tool’s capabilities for serious trend analysts. Next, let’s look at the key user groups who stand to benefit the most from Exploding Topics.

Who Can Benefit from Using Exploding Topics?

Business people in a meeting looking for exploding topics to boost their business

Startups and Entrepreneurs

For startups and entrepreneurs, identifying promising new trends can make or break your venture. Exploding Topics equips you with data-driven insights on rising trends so you can develop the right product to ride the wave.

You’ll gain that crucial early-mover advantage to capture newly emerging demand. Whether it’s spotting the next viral social app or capitalizing on a new health trend, Exploding Topics has your back.

Investors and Venture Capitalists

Investors are always looking to pour funds into the next big thing. Exploding Topics helps uncover those golden opportunities before the masses catch on.

You can identify newly emerging trends, startups, and products to invest in for maximum upside and returns. The tool allows you to spot overlooked niches and undervalued assets poised for growth.

Content Creators

In the crowded world of content creation, learning to pivot your content strategy is crucial. Latching onto emerging trends can help content creators, bloggers, YouTubers and social media influencers create hit content that captures attention.

Exploding Topics provides a goldmine of fresh, on-trend content ideas before they hit the mainstream. You can engage audiences with content that caters to their evolving interests.

Marketing Teams

Marketing teams can leverage Exploding Topics to refine their strategies around trending topics. Identify new products and services that align with rising demand. Craft campaigns, promotions and ad creatives optimized for trending themes.

Business Analysts

Analysts at both large enterprises and SMBs can tap into Exploding Topics for market research and competitive analysis. Identify new expansion opportunities, gaps in the market, and areas where competitors may be lagging.

In summary, any individual or organization looking to capitalize on emerging trends can extract real value from Exploding Topics. Let’s look at some specific use cases next.

How Can Businesses Use Exploding Topics?

The applications of Exploding Topics are endless, but here are some of the top ways businesses can use it: 

Idea Generation 

Brainstorm new product or service ideas that align with rising market demand.

Market Research

Analyze trends to gain insights into your target audience and market.

Competitive Analysis

Identify areas competitors may be missing out on new opportunities.

Content Creation

Produce content around rising trends for better engagement.

Campaigns and Promotions

Build campaigns and offers around timely, trending themes.

Product Development

Modify existing products or create new ones to capitalize on emerging trends.

Business Expansion

Look for new markets, verticals, or demographics exhibiting high-potential trends.

Investment Opportunities

Discover startups and assets poised for growth based on market trends.

Influencer Marketing

Connect with influencers in your niche by providing trend data and content.

The applications are endless. Exploding Topics provides that crucial data edge to spot promising opportunities and pivot faster than your competition.

Why Content Creators Need Exploding Topics?

For anyone involved in content creation and marketing, Exploding Topics should be your new best friend! Here are some of the key reasons it’s a must-have:

Never Run Out of Content Ideas

The tool serves up a limitless trove of fresh, on-trend content ideas before they hit the mainstream. You’ll never run out of topics and angles to create content around.

Create Content That Resonates

Latching onto rising trends lets you create content that resonates with your audience’s evolving interests and needs. Your content will feel timely, relevant and engaging.

Improve Your SEO

Target trending topics to rank for keywords your audience is actively searching for. This leads to higher click-through rates.

Stand Out from Competitors

Get ahead of competitors by creating content around trends they haven’t caught onto yet. You’ll gain first-mover advantage.

Become an Authority

Consistently creating content on emerging trends establishes your authority on those subjects in your audience’s eyes.

Build Audience Excitement

Trending topics get people excited! Tap into rising trends to build an engaged, enthusiastic audience around your brand.

Increase Social Sharing

On-trend content leveraging popular themes is more likely to get shared on social media, driving referral traffic.

Spot New Monetization Avenues

Identify new affiliate products, services, and sponsorships that align with trending topics in your niche.

Fill Gaps in Google Search

Discover trending topics with low competition but high search volume. Create content that fills those gaps to attract search traffic.

Monitor Your Niche

Keep a pulse on your industry and niche by tracking trending topics over time. This ensures you always know what’s hot.

Validate Content Ideas

Verify that a topic is genuinely trending before investing time in creating content around it. No more wasted effort!

Know When to Pivot

Identify when existing topics are falling out of favor so you can shift your content strategy accordingly.

Engage Influencers

Use trend insights to connect with influencers and provide them with ideas for timely, relevant content.

Brainstorm Products

Analyze rising trends surrounding interests, problems, and needs to brainstorm potential products you could create.

Improve Paid Ads

Incorporate trending topics, keywords, and interests into your paid ads and campaigns for better targeting.

Enhance Webinars/Events

Build your webinars, online events, and conferences around trending topics to generate excitement.

Inspire Social Media

Let trending hashtags, challenges, and topics inspire your own viral social campaigns.


To summarize, here are some of the core benefits and capabilities you get with Exploding Topics:

  • Identify rising trends ahead of the curve before they hit critical mass.
  • Analyze trends across multiple metrics including search volume, social media activity, online discussions, and more.
  • Get access to a massive database of emerging trends with growth metrics.
  • Visualize trend data through charts and graphs for easy analysis.
  • Compare trend growth trajectories against historical baseline data.
  • Monitor specific trends over time with real-time alerts and notifications.
  • Leverage AI and machine learning algorithms to process billions of data points.
  • Uncover micro-niche trends specific to particular communities and industries.
  • Discover new startups, brands, influencers, and products riding uptrends.
  • Access detailed trend reports, analysis, and insights from industry experts.
  • Export and integrate trend data into your own platforms and dashboards.

The bottom line? Exploding Topics provides marketers, creators, entrepreneurs and businesses with the real-time data they need to capitalize on emerging trends faster than the competition. Let’s look at the pricing next.

Exploding topics pricing information Entrepreneur ($39 month), Investor ($99 month), and Business ($249 month).

Exploding Topics Pro offers a tiered pricing structure tailored to different user needs:

  1. Entrepreneur — $39/month

    • Trend database
    • Weekly trend reports
    • Reports library
    • Meta trends
    • 1 user seat

    Investor — $99/month

    • Everything in Entrepreneur
    • Trend search
    • CSV export
    • 4 user seats

    Business — $249/month

    • Everything in Investor
    • Custom reports
    • API access
    • 10 user seats

They also offer discounted annual billing on all pro plans. So if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, the paid plans are definitely worth investing in.

For further details, you can explore their pricing page or reach out to their support team at support@explodingtopics.com. They also offer free 14-day trial for $1 so you can test drive the Pro version first.


Exploding Topics is so much more than just a trend tracker – it’s your insider edge. While others analyze yesterday, this tool will have you developing tomorrow’s hits.

With its real-time alerts, you’ll spot viral opportunities before your competitors even know they exist. That means front-page content, hot new products and major market share.

This intel lights your path to success. Don’t get stuck in the past – it’s time to start shaping what’s next. Secure your Exploding Topics subscription now so you own the future. Your time is now, so stop waiting and start winning!


Yes, Exploding Topics provides reliable insights. It uses comprehensive analysis and a data-driven approach to identify trends. The platform scans billions of data points across the internet and uses algorithms to detect rising trends. Experts also review trends for relevance—top brands like Apple trust Exploding Topics for its credibility.

Brian Dean and Josh Howarth co-founded Exploding Topics. Brian Dean is the CEO of the company. He is an online marketing expert and founder of the Backlinko blog.

Exploding Topics utilizes artificial intelligence technology to collect data from across the internet. This includes analyzing millions of online searches, social media conversations, forum discussions, news sites, and other publicly available data sources. This vast data pool allows the tool to identify niche trends.

You can use Exploding Topics, a tool that uses its own special algorithms to identify trends rapidly gaining online traction. It looks for key indicators like:

  • Sharp increases in search volume for a keyword
  • Spikes in social media mentions and shares
  • Rising interest measured by online tools like Google Trends
  • Increased news coverage of a topic
  • Sudden growth for related products/startups

Combining big data analytics with machine learning can surface emerging topics and conversations that show explosive growth potential. The platform helps users know what’s trending before it becomes mainstream.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, and if you decide to buy any of the promoted products, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. By doing this, I might feel more inspired to continue writing on this blog. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy

Hey, I’m Kirill, and I love technology. I created RushTechHub.com to help people understand things that seem to be complicated. I write about various topics, such as new apps and exciting AI advancements, and try to provide easy-to-understand insights.