How to Bypass AI Detection: 7 Cheat Codes for 2024


Hi, and welcome to my tutorial on how to bypass AI detection.

This topic is so hot that Claude AI even refused to proofread my article (poor boy!).

So, I apologize for the typos, but let’s get right in. 

In this guide, I’ll share my insider strategies for crafting undetectable content that search engines and readers love. You’ll learn:

  • How AI detectors really work and why they pose a threat
  • Why originality is key to avoiding unwanted attention
  • Proven techniques for infusing your texts with human flair

By the end, you will learn to write original, high-quality content, even using AI. 

Illustrative banner for RushTechHub's blog post about 'How to Bypass AI Detection – A How-To Guide', featuring a central graphic of a robot's head formed by a QR code, surrounded by digital and cryptographic symbols on a dynamic yellow and purple background


In case you’re in a hurry, here are the key takeaways: 

  • AI detector programs look for predictable word patterns to see if a robot or human wrote the text.
  • The best way to bypass AI detectors is to make the text your own by adding your stories, using simple language, and changing the sentence length.
  • AI-humanizer tools can tweak what the AI writes to sound more natural, but writing it yourself from scratch works, too.

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Table of Contents

In This Post

Why Should You Bypass AI Detection Tools?


If you’re earning by writing, you know that the biggest employers are not huge fans of AI-written articles. They prefer 100% human-written texts. Since you don’t know what detection methods they will use, you must make your content undetectable in advance. 

You don’t want to hurt your search engine rankings. And we know Google says it’s “rewarding high-quality content, however it is produced”.

The problem lies somewhere else. If you trust AI writers like you trust your mom, you risk to: 

  • Create too many (crappy) blog articles too quickly
  • Dilute your topical authority, posting about everything
  • Produce unreadable posts, as hard to chew as an old shoe sole.

The more human your text seems the better chance your readers will like it. Longer engagement times will let you rank higher in searches and boost your reach.

Make bypassing AI and humanizing AI texts a part of your SEO strategy. Your blog writing process must be like social media writing: concise, bity, straight to the point. 

No one has time to read “War and Peace” in 2024.

Sorry, Tolstoi. 

How to Bypass an AI Content detector

A flat vector cartoon-style image on a white background, depicting a person sitting at a computer figuring out how to bypass AI detection

1. Use a Humanizer App

AI humanizer apps like GPTInf can help bypass AI detection by rewriting content to mimic human writers.

2. Write Simply

Simple writing with basic words and short sentences will fool AI detectors that look for complex patterns typical of AI text. Prompt your LLM to write for a 5th-grader or use a paraphrasing tool

3. Use Unique Style

Use your unique writing style: add bold or italic words and caps lock. Vary sentence lengths, use one-word sentences, and incorporate bullet points. 

It’s not easy to write a prompt for ChatGPT to follow your style but try other AI writing tools. For example, Claude 2 is really good at learning your style from a text pattern

3. Include Your Own Story

Sharing personal stories adds a human element that AI cannot replicate, making it harder for detectors to flag your content.

5. Use an Active Voice

Switching to an active voice will make your AI-written content sound less robotic and more human, thus evading AI detection.

6. Manually Edit AI-Generated Content

Manually editing AI-generated content adds a personal touch, making it less detectable by AI detectors.

7. Write the Article Yourself 

It’s obvious: you have to write several paragraphs from scratch to bypass AI detection.

All AI content detectors produce false positives. Some of them even say AI wrote the US Constitution. There is simply no way around it. 

Bad News: grammar-checking tools DO influence AI detection software a ton. And in a very bad way. So, if you were F’d in your English class (hello me!), and Grammarly is your best friend…


I’m not out of my mind – if you chose “Formal,” this app will make your text sound like a robot (even if you wrote it yourself, on a palm leaf, and being on a desert island.) 

Tools to Bypass AI Content Detection

Fight fire with fire – use artificial intelligence to humanize your texts and bypass AI detection. 

Here’s a curated list of tools that can help you with that: 

GPTInf Home page - it's a tool that will help you bypass ai detection

GPTInf is an AI paraphrasing tool that helps you bypass AI detection. I’ve tested several tools but was impressed by GPTInf’s ability to fool even the best detectors. 

User Experience

Simply paste your AI-generated content into the box and click “Get Results” to get a new human-like version. The rewritten text scores low on AI detectors like GPTZero and Originality AI

Key Features

  • Powerful paraphrasing to bypass AI detectors
  • Built-in originality and GPTZero scores
  • Lifetime deal on Appsumo for huge savings
  • Refund guarantee if your content gets detected

GPTInf Pros

  • Consistently fools, even the best AI detectors 
  • Turns your text into a human content fast

GPTInf Cons

  • No advanced settings to customize

GPTInf Pricing

GPTInf Pricing - it's a tool that can help you bypass AI detection

You can get GPTInf for as low as $8 for 10,000 words per month. Given its capabilities, this is an absolute steal.

Overall, GPTInf is an essential tool for any content creator who uses AI writing tools but wants to avoid detection. I highly recommend GPTInf to humanize your AI-written content.

You can try it for free and test it for yourself! 

Undetectable AI an affordable way to make AI-written content sound more human so it can sneak past those strict AI detectors out there.

User Experience

The dashboard is pretty easy to use.

You can just paste or upload your content, choose some settings with a few clicks, and you’re good to go.

First, you can run your text through built-in AI content detection

It clearly shows how likely different tools are to catch your content as AI-generated.

Then click humanize, and get your result. 

Key Features

  • Budget-friendly monthly plans with flexible word counts
  • It makes your tone, style, and grammar sound human
  • Check your content against multiple content detector tools
  • It lets you customize readability, purpose and tone.

Undetectable AI Pros

  • Affordable pricing is great for individuals and small teams.
  • Simple workflow makes AI humanization easy for anyone.
  • You can humanize text again if you don’t like the result.

Undetectable AI Cons

  • The interface is a little bare-bones and could look nicer.
Undetectable AI Pricing - it's a tool that can help you bypass AI detection

Undetectable AI has affordable monthly plans starting at just $9.99 for 10,000 words.

You can also get an annual plan to save 50% overall.

Both plans include the key features you need to avoid those content detectors.

So, in summary, Undetectable AI is a budget-friendly option for content creators to make AI writing sound human.

It’s not perfect, but it gets the job done for most people and makes ethical content creation easy.

It’s worth testing out for the price to see how well it sneaks past detectors.

HumanizeAIText is a tool I created on The main goal was to increase readability, but it turned out to produce undetectable content as well. That’s why I’m adding it here. 

On top of that, all the tools I tested tend to rewrite the text, losing the keywords you added

And you can not prompt them not to do so. is a platform where you can create your own chatbot using a language model of your choice.

So, my HumanizeAIText Tool is as responsive as a chatbot. When you humanize your text, you can add relevant keywords, boosting your search engine optimization at the same time. 

HumanizeAIText Tool Pros

  • Works as a chatbot
  • Offers unlimited customization options
  • Free to use

HumanizeAIText Tool Cons

  • The result still needs a human editor
  • Can not rewrite huge chunks of text due to a limited context window

HumanizeAIText Tool Pricing

It’s free to use, you just have to register on

What Do AI Content Detectors Look For?

AI content detectors use natural language processing (NLP) to spot patterns typical of AI-generated content

In plain English, they examine the text for:

  • Repetitive phrases
  • Grammatical inconsistencies
  • Complex word usage
  • Formal tone
  • Lack of originality
  • Weird sentence structure
  • Predictable flow

They compare these patterns against their training data to identify AI-produced content from human writing


If you want to get past those AI content detectors, you have to:

  1. Use a humanizer tool, if you feel the text is too clunky.
  2. Throw in personal stories, keep the text short and the reader excited.
  3. Use active voice: only low-quality AI text is full of passive voice.
  4. Double-check your blog post with content detector tools.
  5. Don’t just copy and paste an AI-generated text – get creative with how you explain things!
  6. Add a human touch and write several paragraphs from scratch.
  7. Make sure you provide value: keep your audience in mind

Mixing it all up, you can create original, high-quality content without making the Google beast nervous. 

It’s the best way to future-proof your content for Helpful Content Updates.  


Rephrasing the text yourself, shorten the phrases, make them more conversational, remove jargon, delete repetitive sentence structures, and separate them into smaller paragraphs. 

Use rephrasing tools like Gptinf or Quillbot. You can also throw your AI-written text into Claude AI and prompt it to rewrite in a more conversational way.

To make AI-generated text sound more human, you can add personal experiences or anecdotes or try to rewrite the text in a more conversational style. Look for typical ChatGPT favorites: “unleash potential,” “in today’s fast-paced digital world,” or other clichés you can ditch without mercy.

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Hey, I’m Kirill, and I love technology. I created to help people understand things that seem to be complicated. I write about various topics, such as new apps and exciting AI advancements, and try to provide easy-to-understand insights.