Reclaim Your Time: How to Increase Productivity Using AI

Do you feel like you’re always racing against the clock? Does your to-do list seem never-ending?

You’re not alone. But here’s the thing.

According to studies from Goldman Sachs, AI productivity assistants have the potential to raise global GDP by 7% by taking over routine tasks and allowing people to focus on higher-value work.

This blog post will teach you how to increase productivity using AI and complete projects faster.

Let’s dive into the top AI techniques for getting things done!

In This Post

a picture of a helping robotic hand which will save humanity

How to Increase Productivity Using AI

Key Takeaways

  • AI productivity tools can automate repetitive tasks to help you accomplish more in less time by freeing up time spent on busywork.
  • Tools like ChatGPT, Monday, and Otter can take notes, schedule meetings, and answer common questions.
  • Studies show that when implemented thoughtfully, AI can boost global GDP by 7% by allowing humans to focus on more strategic work.
  • Follow these steps to integrate AI successfully:
    1. Identify tasks for automation
    2. Research suitable tools
    3. Start with one tool and test it out
    4. Monitor results from AI tools
    5. Customize settings over time
  • Maximize benefits by pairing AI with human strengths like judgment, creativity and interpersonal skills. Avoid relying too heavily on any single tool.

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Table of Contents

Understanding AI Productivity Tools

Illustration of a multi-tasking, multi-handed robot, designed teach people how to increase productivity using AI. The robot features several arms, each equipped with dif

AI productivity tools use machine learning algorithms to automate tasks, customize experiences, and reduce busy work. This frees you up to focus on high-value priorities.

You can reduce hours wasted on tedious tasks with the right AI tools. This time can be reinvested into what matters most: career development, creative pursuits, or quality time with loved ones.

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT transforms worker productivity by handling routine customer interactions. Instead of customer support agents responding to standard inquiries, AI chatbots can provide instant answers 24/7. This improves business productivity and the customer experience.

Other examples of AI boosting productivity include:

  • Project management apps like that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to optimize workflows and user interface. This allows skilled workers to complete complex tasks faster.
  • AI writing assistants that help employees craft well-written emails, reports, and other communications to improve quality and turnaround time.
  • Intelligent search engines like Perplexity.AI that surface contextually relevant information, reducing research time.

The key is identifying repetitive, low-value tasks in your daily routine that AI can automate. This empowers employees to focus their time on high-impact goals that require human judgment and creativity – the areas where humans still outperform machines. Integrating the right AI tools into business operations can drive significant gains in employee productivity.

Step-by-Step Process for Implementing AI Tools

A man with a confident expression working on a laptop, flanked by advanced robots in a high-tech workspace, illustrating strategies on how to increase your productivity using AI

Integrating artificial intelligence tools alongside human intelligence is critical for quality improvement in any successful business. Here is a step-by-step process to effectively implement AI and gain actionable insights:

Step One: Audit your workflow to identify repetitive tasks or skills gaps that AI can automate. Email organization and calendar scheduling are common examples.

Step Two: Research AI assistant apps and services that can take on these mundane tasks and do the heavy lifting. Look for user-friendly interfaces and strong customer reviews.

Step Three: Start small by picking one AI tool to implement, such as an email sorting assistant. Thoroughly test it out before expanding to other tools.

Step Four: As you integrate more AI tools, continually monitor your productivity. Adjust or replace tools that don’t save time or provide actionable insights.

The key is finding the right balance between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. Use AI tools for repetitive tasks while relying on human intuition for strategy, creativity and interpersonal skills. For example, have a brainstorming session to generate creative ideas, then use AI to analyze courses of action.

Businesses can boost productivity, employee retention, and innovation by getting the most out of AI capabilities and human strengths. The future belongs to those who use technology thoughtfully while valuing the irreplaceable human element.

Advanced Tips and Strategies

To maximize productivity, business users should use these expert tips when implementing AI tools:

  • Stack complementary AI tools to create powerful workflows. For example, use AI meeting schedulers and AI note-takers together for enhanced meeting productivity.
  • Customize the settings of each tool to align with your personal preferences and communication style. Don’t settle for the default options.
  • Occasionally, switch off certain AI tools to avoid becoming over-reliant. Stay sharp on manual workflows.

AI integration is not one-size-fits-all. AI-using business professionals must tailor their setup based on individual differences to extract the most value. Testing different configurations will provide insights into user behaviors and detailed findings on what works best.

The key is finding the right AI balance to augment – not replace – human professionals. When thoughtfully implemented, AI can have an overwhelmingly positive impact on people and organizations.

However, integrating it into workflows takes an openness to experimentation and change. Like any new technology, it requires customization and practice to realize the full benefits.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When implementing AI, it’s easy to make missteps that undermine your level of productivity. 

Here are common mistakes and solutions:

1. Mistake: Using AI to replace workers instead of teaching them

Solution: Use intuitive, user-friendly AI tools like HeyGen to create educational videos in bulk.

2. Mistake: Turning over all responsibilities to AI and losing control

Solution: Stay hands-on with important tasks and decisions that require human judgment. Use AI for complicated tasks, not core competencies.

3. Mistake: Spending excessive resources on AI tools

Solution: Seek less mundane solutions, for example, installing ChatGPT locally instead of using it online. 

4. Mistake: Not protecting privacy when sharing data with AI services

Solution: Vet AI providers to ensure their data practices are ethical and secure. Limit data sharing only to what is essential for the AI tool’s purpose. 

The key is finding the right human-AI balance for your needs. Continually measure team productivity and make adjustments to optimize workflows. With the right approach, AI can boost outcomes without compromising oversight or control.

Additional Resources and Tools

Here are some additional resources for learning more about implementing AI for productivity:

  • This guide covers installing ChatGPT locally for private use, even without an internet connection. 
  • Check out this article for tips on speeding up ChatGPT response times.
  • For ideas on monetizing AI tools like ChatGPT, see this post.

 To maximize productivity in the future, leverage AI tools like:

  • Todoist – An intelligent task manager who can prioritize your task list and schedule demanding tasks when you have peak task throughput. 
  • Clara – A virtual assistant that can help manage calendars, set reminders, and automate actual tasks. Clara is one of many AI tools that can boost productivity, as this article covers.
  • is an automatic note-taker for meetings summarizing key discussion points and action items. is an example of how AI can enhance productivity by automating manual processes.

    The key is finding AI tools that align with your needs and integrate well into existing workflows. AI can enhance productivity with the right approach without compromising oversight or control.


AI productivity tools can make a real difference in optimizing business output and improving customer satisfaction. However, AI also brings concerns about destabilizing specific jobs reliant on routine tasks.

The key is finding the right balance between AI automation and human oversight. With the proper integration, AI can significantly boost productivity without compromising quality or control.


Studies by Goldman Sachs estimate AI could raise global GDP by up to 7% in the next decade by automating routine tasks. The key is pairing AI with human skills to enhance efficiency.

You can use tools like Cohesive AI to generate content like social media posts, papers, and summaries to save time. But output should be reviewed to catch bad outputs.

Focus on how the artificial intelligence features address specific demands on people and processes. Explain how it integrates into existing workflows. Highlight increased output and relation to business goals.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, and if you decide to buy any of the promoted products, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. By doing this, I might feel more inspired to continue writing on this blog. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy