How to Detect Plagiarism Using AI: Your Guide and Examples


Ever stared at your screen, wondering if those brilliant words you just wrote are actually… someone else’s? 

Don’t sweat it. We’ve all been there, especially in this age of information overload and AI writing assistants.

But here’s the thing: whether you’re a student burning the midnight oil or a content creator churning out blog posts, you need to make sure your work is 100% you. No accidental copying, no unintentional “borrowing” of ideas.

So how do you protect yourself from the plagiarism boogeyman? Simple. You need a kick-ass plagiarism checker in your arsenal.

In this article, we’re diving deep into the world of plagiarism detection tools.

But in case you’re in a hurry, here are the tools I use to detect plagiarism:

Compare your writing against a vast database of sources. Ideal for students, writers, and businesses.
Your academic integrity guardian, catching plagiarism with AI-powered precision and citation assistance.
Your content integrity guardian, detecting AI-generated text and plagiarism with cutting-edge precision.

When Do You Need a Plagiarism Checker?

Short answer: YESTERDAY.

Picture this: You’ve just submitted what you think is your magnum opus. You’re feeling pretty good about yourself. 

Then BAM! You’re hit with a plagiarism accusation. 

Not cool, right?

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Table of Contents

The Basics of Plagiarism Detection

What is Plagiarism?

pissed off editor who knows how to detect plagiarism is showing the author his text pointing the parts that he found out to be plagiarized

Here’s a fancy-schmancy explanation: 

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work or ideas without proper attribution. It can be intentional or unintentional, but either way, it’s considered a serious offense.

Plagiarism can take many forms, including:

  • Direct Plagiarism: Copying text word-for-word without quotation marks or citation.
  • Self-Plagiarism: Reusing your own previously published work without acknowledgment.
  • Mosaic Plagiarism: Piecing together text from different sources without proper citation.
  • Accidental Plagiarism: Unintentionally failing to cite sources correctly.

How to Detect Plagiarism?

Robot sitting at a desk using a magnifying glass to examine piles of printed text for plagiarism detection, in a minimalistic office environment

Choose the Right Plagiarism Detection Tool

The Internet is FULL of tools that claim to detect plagiarism. But these are the ones I tested for this article:

  • PlagiarismSearch: Ideal for checking web content for duplicate text.
  • Quetext: Uses DeepSearch™ technology to provide detailed plagiarism reports. 
  • Originality AI: Known for its accuracy in detecting both human and AI-generated content, readability and plagiarism.

First, go to their website. Then you’ll see places to add your writing in different ways. 

You can drag and drop a file, click “Upload File” to find one, or just type or paste into the text box.

If uploading a file, pick the one you want and wait for it to load. If typing or pasting, put your writing in the “Type here” space.

Once your content is in, click the big orange “START CHECKING” button at the bottom. Then sit back and let the tool do its thing. It will check your writing against what it has saved.

After a bit, you’ll see the results. It will show you any parts that seem too similar to other stuff. And it will give a percentage of how much might be plagiarized.

Pretty simple right? This checker can help make sure your writing is really your own. 

I pasted a couple of paragraphs from my article on AI website builders, and here’s the result: 

Screenshot of showing a report with 100% plagiarism detected for text about Wix AI website Builder previously posted on rushtechhub. com

Use Quetext

Quetext homepage featuring a slogan 'Original Writing, Made Easy With Quetext,' with options to check for plagiarism and AI. The page highlights DeepSearch technology, lightspeed recognition, and standard privacy

First, head over to and choose “Check for plagiarism”. You’ll be redirected to a page where you’ll see a big text box where it says to enter your writing.

Quetext website page featuring a plagiarism checker with a text entry box for checking plagiarism, a button to check for plagiarism, and options for AI content detection, pricing, company information, product details, and blog access

Go ahead and type or paste your work into that box. No need to attach any files – just put it right in there.

Once you’ve added your text, click the red button below that says “CHECK FOR PLAGIARISM”. 

This tool lets you check up to 500 words for free, so take advantage of that!

After a little bit, the results will pop up. Your writing will be on the left. Any parts that seem copied will have red lines below them.

quetext result

On the right, you’ll see a percentage of how similar it thinks your work is to other stuff. Below that, it shows you matches it found and where that content came from.

Use Originality AI

Homepage of highlighting their AI checker, plagiarism checker, and fact checker with the tagline 'Lets You Publish with Integrity,' including options for pricing, features, resources, and login/sign-up buttons.

To test plagiarism detection feature for free, head to the Originality AI website, then press “Features” on the top of the page. 

Choose “Plagiarism detector”. 

Input text interface on with options to import from file, exclude URLs from search, and check for plagiarism, along with a count of remaining scans and buttons for login and sign-up
  • PASTE YOUR TEXT – Go to the “Input Text” tab and paste or type the words you want to check.

  • IGNORE SOURCES (if needed) – If there are websites you don’t want it to look at, list them here.

  • START THE SCAN – Click this button to get the check started!

  • SEE THE RESULTS – This tab shows you a picture of how much was copied, numbers of words looked at, and matches found. It also guesses if the text was written by a person or computer.

Screenshot of showing a plagiarism check result with 14% plagiarized content, 7 phrases scanned, 1 match found from, and a confidence statement that the text is human written.
  • FIND THE SOURCES – This part shows you where it thinks copying happened and from what websites.
  • LOOK AT THE MATCHES – Click on each source to see the exact copied sentences or phrases.

It may not catch all copying. In this example, it only saw 14% was copied when the whole thing was from another article!

However, even with limited results, it right identified where the full text came from, so I still consider it good. 

Advanced Tips and Strategies

Combine Several Tools

For the best results, consider using multiple tools. For example, you might use Grammarly for its grammar and style suggestions and then run the text through Originality AI for a more thorough plagiarism check.

Always Check Results Manually

While tools are incredibly useful, don’t rely on them entirely. As you see, some of them return a partly-precise result.

Always review your work manually to ensure all sources are properly cited and that your content is original. 

Here’s what to do:

Google search results page for 'site .com Pretty crazy, right? With Wix AI Site Generator, your new site is ready to go in minutes flat.' showing a result for '5 Best AI Website Builders in 2024: To Hype or Not To Hype?' from RushTechHub, and related images.

If a tool brings you to a website, check it for other information that you might have plagiarized directly in Google Search: just type site:[] [your search query] and press Enter. 

Common Mistakes

  • Don't Rely on Tools Too Much: While plagiarism detection tools are powerful, they're not infallible. Always double-check your work manually to ensure accuracy.
  • Don't Ignore Self-Plagiarism: Reusing your own work without proper citation is still plagiarism. Always cite your previous work if you're using it in a new context.
  • Don't Misunderstand Paraphrasing: Simply changing a few words in a sentence doesn't make it original. Proper paraphrasing involves rephrasing the idea in your own words and still citing the original source.


Making sure your writing is really YOUR writing is super important, right? You want people to trust what you say. And you don’t want to get in trouble for using other people’s stuff without asking.

That’s where tools like Originality A and Quetext come in handy. They can help make sure your content is original. They can also check to see if you remembered to give credit where credit is due by listing sources.

But these tools can only do so much. It’s still on YOU to double check your work. Read it over yourself with a careful eye. And always make sure to write in a way that’s honest and fair to others.

In the end, having the right writing tools is great. But what really matters most is putting in the effort to do good, original work. Keep practicing ethical writing habits and I’m sure your content will stay authentic and credible. 

Now go show off that writing skill of yours!


To check for plagiarism, you can use Freemium tools like PlagiarismSearch and Quetext. These tools compare your text against online sources and provide similarity reports.

Plagiarism is typically detected using specialized software that compares submitted work to existing content databases, identifying matching text. Changes in writing style and manual searches are also used.

Use a plagiarism checker before submitting your work. Carefully review your citations and paraphrasing. Compare your writing to original sources to ensure proper attribution.

Teachers use plagiarism detection software like Turnitin, look for changes in writing style, check for inconsistencies in formatting, and may conduct manual searches for suspicious passages.

Yes, advanced tools like PlagiarismSearch and  Quetext can detect paraphrased content by analyzing the structure and meaning of the text.

While some people try to game the system, it’s not advisable. Ethical writing and proper citation are always the best practices.

Most tools are highly accurate but not infallible. Always review the results manually to ensure complete accuracy.

Hey, I’m Kirill, and I love technology. I created to help people understand things that seem to be complicated. I write about various topics, such as new apps and exciting AI advancements, and try to provide easy-to-understand insights.

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